Advanced Comic Book Format Wiki

This tutorial shows how you can add table of contents to comic book archive. ACBF Editor is used.

Table of Contents Usage[]

ACBF format supports adding title to a comic book page which in turn will be used to generate the Table of Contents for particular comic book.

Table of contents for multiple languages are supported in case multiple text-layers are defined.

Table of Contents can be used in ACBF Viewer or ACBF Viewer for Android to quickly jump to particular comic book page or just to see the summary of comic book archive contents. It is particularly useful when you have larger comic book archives containing multiple comic issues.

Adding Table of Contents[]

Before you can start adding table of contents comic book archive you need to define at least one text layer (see ACBF Editor - Creating Metadata how to do this).

Once you add the text-layer, icon on the top for creating Table of Contents will activate.

In the Table of Contents dialog you may switch between multiple text-layers (if you defined those) with the dropdown list in the left upper corner. With plus button you'll add a new entry, minus button will remove particular entry.

How to add Table of Contents is shown step by step in below video (switch to HD resolution and watch the video full screen to see it properly).


ACBF - Creating Table of Contents